Description: Boundary of the Deschutes Groundwater Mitigation Program. See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Description: 2021 Oregon groundwater resource concern rating for each Public Land Survey System Township. See the "comment" column for a list of component data points that led to the concern rating in each Township. The concerns map and concern ratings treat aquifer systems as connected. However, the narrative description of individual sources of concern indicates which aquifer system is associated with each concern. Therefore, the comment for each township comprises a set of statements grouped by aquifer system. The aquifer system is indicated by a 4-letter code:
UNKN Unknown, or no aquifer system specified for the data source
QLTS Quaternary-Late Tertiary Sediment Aquifers
QLTV Quaternary-Late Tertiary Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rock Aquifers
LTBA Late Tertiary Basalt Aquifers
METV Middle-Early Tertiary Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rock Aquifers
TMVS Tertiary Marine Volcanic and Sedimentary Rock Aquifers
MZGR Mesozoic Granitic Rock Aquifers
MPRK Mesozoic-Paleozoic Rock Aquifers
Within the statement for each aquifer system, the comment lists all the concerning data points in that township and aquifer system. See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Name: Wells with Excessively Declined or Declining Water Levels
Display Field: nbr_well_excessive
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Count of the number of wells in each township where the water levels in the well are either excessively declined (>50 feet from highest to most recent) or declining (average >3 ft/year over the past decade). See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Description: Count of the number of wells in each township where the water levels in the well have declined moderately (>25 feet from highest to most recent). See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Description: Count of the number of decline permit conditions in each township where the water level declines have exceeded the amount allowed in the permit condition. See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Name: Permit Applications found Beyond the Capacity of the Resource
Display Field: nbr_insufficient_gw_capacity
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Number of groundwater applications where technical review found the proposed use to be beyond the capacity of the groundwater resource, including findings of over-appropriation. See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Name: Hydraulic Connection Determinations in GW Technical Reviews
Display Field: hyd_conn_pct
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Column pct_hyd_conn reflects the percentage of enclosed proposed points of diversion in GW technical reviews that have been determined to be hydraulically connected to some stream. For the purpose of this report, townships with >50% findings of hydraulic connection are considered generally connected, and their SW availability is symbolized in the layer, "Availability of Surface Water in August in Townships Typically Hydraulically Connected." See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Name: Availability of Surface Water in August in Townships Typically Hydraulically Connected
Display Field: concern
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Among townships where applications for groundwater rights typically have found wells to be hydraulically connected, what portion of the township's area is within Water Availability Basins (WABs) with surface water available in August. Note that the column unavail_hyd_conn_pct reflects the percent of area in WABs with surface water unavailable in August (inverted to symbolize for availability), and townships with majority findings of no hydraulic connection have value -9999. See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693
Description: Townships with >=3 well tests on irrigation well reports, and where the median yield is below an estimated minimum threshold required for irrigation well. See report text for detail:¬ice_item_id=8693